Vision, Values and Aims
Vision, Values and Aims
Stobhill Strapline Stobhill Values
Live, learn and grow together Respect, Honesty, Learning, Fairness, Our Environment
The Stobhill Aims are to:
Be a welcoming, inclusive school that promotes positive behaviour and celebrates achievement.
Raise attainment by promoting and sharing high but realistic expectations.
Support and challenge our pupils through quality learning and teaching experiences.
Create an ethos in which the individual is valued, morale is high and there is a positive partnership between school, parents and the wider community.
Provide a wide range of high quality, accessible resources.
Further enhance our professional skills and work effectively, both with other agencies and as a team.
Provide a carefully planned curriculum which has relevance, breadth and depth, challenge, enjoyment and progression.
Values Certificates:
At Stobhill there are opportunities to earn Values Certificates. You can see our Values certificates below. These were designed by one of our parents and the children enjoy receiving them, taking them home and celebrating success with their friends and families. We have also connected with local groups and clubs that your child may attend and they also have our values certificates. Children from Stobhill can receive these certificates from coaches/instructors outside of school. If your child does receive them from an external agency, please encourage them to bring their certificate in as we LOVE to hear about wider achievement successes!